The water from the pool session on Wednesday was frozen
in my hatches and the cover was coated in a thin layer of snow.
It was absolutely boltic!
I parked up near the Mumbles aiming to make my way
Westward with the ebb. Paid £4 parking loaded my kayak
and hopped over the sand dunes to be welcomed by a very
wind swept beach. I battled my way down to the shore
walking at an almost 45 degree angle. Not even half way there
I could see there was no chance I was getting in. I couldn't keep
the boat straight on land yet alone in the water.
Not to completely waste the journey I made my way around
the headland to Langland bay which seemed far more settled.
Plus I was able to use the same parking ticket, bargain!
Paddling just out from the bay the wind gust around the
headland making it almost impossible to paddle in the
direction I wanted to go. So I stayed in the shelter of the
bay and had a play about with the surf around the small
rocky island just off the beach.