We booked our trip with Thousand Islands Expeditions who run trips around Ramsey and beyond between Easter and 31st October. So today was the last chance.
We arrived at St Justinian's where the RLNI lifeboat station was open. Connor and Zakk were really impressed with the lifeboat. The pictures of previous rescues on sinking boats may not have helped Connor's confidence later.
We boarded our boat and set off across the sound.We passed by a local resident lazing on a mooring raft. As we picked up speed Connor was a little nervous.
We arrived south of the Bitches and passed between the inner rocks. It was nearing high tide so the flow was about 4 or 5 hours in. Sorry about video still can't work out how to fit it in the window...
It was great to be sat at the Bitches when they were in full flow. Connor and Zakk can now say they passed over the Bitches at 7 and 2!
We went in to the cave at Bay Ogof Hen north of the island and had a little soaking from the curtain of water at the entrance.
Around to the West of the island and in to the swell and wind. By this point the up and down movement of the boat sent Zakk to sleep.
The swell was pretty impressive, it was good to experience these conditions I wouldn't dare attempt in a kayak, or at least get so close.
We stopped off at a couple of bays along the west coast to look at the seals. At one point the swell was like a wall coming toward us crashing into the cliffs, got to admit the adrenaline was kicking in. Hannah was loving it, Zakk was fast asleep and Connor was terrified.
We passed through cathedral cave and midland gap out in to the shelter of the sound. The seals were all huddled together sheltering from the weather. Connor was loving it now watching the seals pop up and flop along the beach.
Two weeks ago I saw these two lone seal pups at the same bay. A bit of a better shot this time, I didn't have a grumpy bull seal on my case!

It was back over the Bitches and across the sound with a few fast weaving maneuvers to finish a brilliant trip. We came for a good day out and we weren't disappointed. I think the conditions added a little excitement to the whole thing. Hannah said on the way home the boat trip was worth the travel and petrol alone.
We stopped off at Newgale for the kids to have a play on the beach before heading home for some Halloween shenanigans. Connor loved it in the end although I think I may have to explain to his teacher about the shags and bitches on his half term trip.
Thousands Islands Expeditions are well worth a look for a great family day out and are suitable for all ages. It is a great way to explore Ramsey Island and they also offer trips out to Grassholm and the Bishops, which I'll try next time. So if the weathers to rough to go out in a kayak give them a go! You can find their web site here.